Features » Newsletter Campaign Tracking

Clever email tracking

Mailbomb provides instant reports that return reporting data as soon as the campaign has been sent. These detailed statistics are crucial to reviewing the success of newsletters and vital to planning a forward-thinking marketing strategy.

  • Graphs that compare campaigns over time
  • Interactive charts with custom filters
  • Review marketing budgets with tracking

Who, what and why - 24/7

The ability to review campaign success is key to any marketing venture, and Mailbomb covers every aspect of tracking emails. Best still, our intelligent system will remove recipients that can't receive your newsletter automatically.

  • Track opens, clicks, bounces and more
  • Smart list manager removes invalid emails
  • Viral reporting charts campaign spread

Total Control

While Mailbomb is easy and affordable, we see no reason not to offer control freaks a complete set of reporting data. Our 3rd party system support and advanced delivery procedure ensures your mail is delivered how you want it.

  • Schedule newsletter send time/date
  • Supports Google Analytics
  • Social Networking integration tracks growth